Thursday, 12 November 2015


  1. Separate your waste into 4 groups- kitchen waste, paper waste, plastic waste and non-recyclable waste. Make compost out of your kitchen waste(read below for instructions)

  2. Recycle your plastics.

  3. Reuse boxes(look down to know how)

  4. Grow ozone repair trees(they cost about 20/- to 30/-. You can find them at forest departments.) This would be a good gift/return gift.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

                                      GLOBAL WARMING

Global warming is the process of the melting of ice at the poles that is caused by pollution especially the increase of the gas carbon dioxide that heat up the earth and the melting of ice at the poles. Soon, earth will literally be submerged due to the transfer of ice to water that will cause floods and tsunamis that lead to submerging of cities and destroys life existence on earth. So lets try to follow saving earth than polluting it for the future....please! Earth needs to be saved, so plant more trees and also follow the *greenhouse effect.

send your ideas for protecting earth to


Thursday, 4 June 2015

childrens post

                                          CHILDRENS POST

Made By children, meant for all

good day to everyone,
earthlings is also publishing a magazine known as CHILDRENS POST. If you want to read and give your own opinions about our magazine please give your email addresses to

the magazine will be sent to you online.

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Today, we can see a great increase in the population of India. The vehicles, trash, and overcrowded areas have proved to be an addition...

As, we are Earthlings, we would like to live in an environment wherein the earth also remains happy, not only us...

So, on April 22nd , that is Earth day, we would like to urge everybody to help Banglore by cleaning their surrounding road, stop throwing those plastic bags and  teach people who try to throw things around. Your hand is one more to help.............


Wednesday, 14 January 2015

What's going on ???

What are we upto?

We are making a play to spread awareness. It is going to be held on earth day(22nd April). Here is the story

There is Brooke who started fading magically on her 15th birthday as pollution grew. It is nearly a month later wher our story starts. Kaelin, Kelesy,Andrea and Lindsay are at a party. They find a guy throwing trash out of the window and yell at him. Only then do they realise that Brooke could be in much more danger than they thought. So, they go out looking for her in the forest.They find a super dirty river flowing through it. Kaelin discovers that the water is extremely clean after a certain distance and speculates that Brooke went there. The next morning they follow the river and.......

Monday, 12 January 2015

Daily Dump

Hello!! We have taken an extremely long break. For winter I guess...
Anyway, many of us have bought things from a store called Daily Dump. We were amazed by its ways.

What Does It Do??

Daily Dump deals with your waste!! doesn't clean it up. The store sells earthen pots( we will give you some pictures). The whole concept is that these pots will deal with your biodegradable waste by composting...which you have to do by yourself.They give you a kit. It usually consists of a four or three tier set. These sets come with microbes. The microbes aid the process of composting...

For any more information or if you want your set go to:

These would be the the composting pots. You start but your waste in the first one. On he first day, you put your waste the bin. Cover it with newspaper and your job is done. As days go by that one pot will start getting full. So you move that to the bottom and the second one is ready for filling. You keep on with this process of moving it up and down. It is built in such a way that by the time you reach the first one again, it is completely decomposed.

Three tier ones... four tires would be with four of them.

This would be their concept...

We would like to acknowledge daily dump as a part of Club Earthlings!!

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Paper making- 30/11/14 Batch 2,3 4

Today, we didn't do much....sadly. One of our members quit. Today, we basically made only paper.

Batch 1-White Paper
Batch2-Green Paper
Batch 3-Red Paper
Batch 4-Yellow Paper

Finished paper!!!!

Paper mash after straining

Straining the paper

Before Straining


Just wanted to fill you on about the empty pics